Author Archives:Kyra Senese

FM Global: ‘Resilience is really becoming a requirement’ as supply chain issues persist in 2022

supply chain resilience

Ongoing strains to the global supply chain require that business leaders consider means for establishing resilience amid pandemic-induced uncertainty. The latest insights released by the mutual insurance firm FM Global emphasize six aspects of the supply chain facing threats to their resilience.

FM Global副总裁埃里克·琼斯(FM Global)副总裁兼企业风险咨询总经理,表示从2021年绘制的关键课程将是弹性不是可选的。

“Resilience is really becoming a requirement to having a successful business,” Jones said. “Companies need to understand where their pinch points are within their supply chain and develop strategies to mitigate those things as much as they can.”

Real-time finance data seen as key to CFO planning in uncertain times, Accenture finds

real time financial data

Last year brought many challenges and forced business leaders to adapt to volatile market conditions as the coronavirus crisis demonstrated the need for real-time data to inform business decisions, according to a recent Accenture study.

But even as executives long for real-time visibility they also see technology issues as a barrier, despite its benefits, the study found. They have questions about paying for the technology, implementing it and finding the right people to run it.

Coronavirus crisis affected the most negotiated contract terms of 2020, Icertis survey shows

Unforeseeable circumstances brought on by the coronavirus pandemic added significant pressure on companies this year as executives had to adapt, and supply chains were strained globally.

A new report by Icertis, a provider of contract lifecycle management technology, evaluated the extent to which the crazy year dominated by the pandemic affected negotiated contract terms.

Independent professionals are in demand, picky: 5 tips for companies to be a client of choice


Ethical technology, human experience platforms among Deloitte’s 2020 tech trends

With the new year in full swing, executives are evaluating how best to leverage their technological tools and stay ahead of the curve. Deloitte recently released “Tech Trends 2020,” the company’s 11th annual evaluation of emerging technology trends. Several trends that the company highlighted in the report have emerged in reaction to long-term IT challenges, while others address the technological needs of large firms, Deloitte said.

To achieve digital growth, top chief supply chain officers change the culture, report says


CSCOS监督范围供应链问题。CSCOS主要专注于管理供应商合作伙伴关系,产品创新和产品交付等职责。该报告称,恢复了他们的劳动力结合了人类和机器能力的最佳作用,而不是传统的CSCO角色的一部分 - 但迅速成为成功的必要步骤。

How to assess supplier risk management: An overview report and checklist

在努力保护其组织免受风险的情况下,采购专业人士必须考虑许多因素 - 从信誉问题,合规问题,改变网络安全和社会责任的规定。WBR Insights报告建立在咨询公司GEP和技术提供商全球风险管理解决方案(GRMS)的建议上侧重于供应商风险管理。

Contractor, supplier relationships come with many financial risks, Avetta warns


Managing supply chain risk is an important area of focus for companies to consider when working with suppliers and contractors at various levels of business. A recent study from the business-qualifying firm Avetta, “The Importance of Assessing Supplier Financial Stability,” evaluates an array of research on the issues and pinpoints the many risks that companies face when choosing and working with contractors and vendors.

Use of eProcurement software evolves to mitigate costs, risks and add strategic insights, report says

As business executives become more interested in the use of electronic procurement software — or eProcurement — as a means to bring about more proactive results, industry leaders have begun to use the technology to target new methods of cost reduction and to yield growth and insights amid evolving industry standards.

In a recent report by Levvel Research,“2019采购洞察报告,”experts discuss industry trends and business spend management strategies, which were collected in a market-wide survey conducted in April 2019. The research, sponsored by Coupa, evaluates how procurement automation software is being implemented and its effects throughout the industry. In Part 1 of this series, the report said one trend is that more business that aresmaller and mid-size companiesare considering the switch to digital procurement solutions.

In this article, we’ll look at what the study found about companies that have already adopted digital procurement.


供应链采购空间中的商业领袖不断寻求简化采购方法和降低成本的方法。由于迫在眉睫的经济衰退的可能性仍然是决策者的思想,所需的行业成员正在考虑电子采购软件 - AKA数字采购或eProculement - 可以缓解这些努力。

Levvel 万博体育下载appResearch最近推出了“2019年采购洞察力报告”,该报告评估了当前的行业趋势,并在2019年4月进行的全市调查后计算了管理策略。由Cououpa赞助的该报告审查了采购自动化软件正在实施的方式随着采购团队继续转变。

EcoVadis, NYU report on the state of sustainable procurement



EcoVadis, a firm that works to provide sustainability risk and performance ratings for global supply chains, recently launched its 2019 Sustainable Procurement Barometer in partnership with the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business.



Despite economic growth, recent headwinds have procurement and finance professionals considering how to deal with a possible recession in the next year or so, according to a survey by the data-aggregation firm Suplari, which published “Plans & Tactics to Recession-Proof the Enterprise in 2019 and Beyond.” The study notes that many recent surveys spotlight executives’ concerns that job markets, credit risks and tariff policies could push the economy to decelerate. The survey evaluates how to avoid disruptions of performance, growth and profitability, considering what strategies can be employed swiftly to identify cost-savings and risk-optimization.