Author Archives:瑞安弗林,德勤咨询

CPO Masters of Agility (Part 2) — Making It Happen

CPO agility

In today’s business environment, it’s critical to move fast to stay ahead of your competitors and avoid constantly changing risks. For example, it’s hard to find labor these days — whether you’re a manufacturer looking for shop-floor staff, a logistics firm looking for drivers or a procurement organization looking for top notch staff. The war for talent has returned, with a vengeance! Ramping up supply is challenging, and so is managing thousands of supplier relationships through the source-to-pay cycle and beyond. This is why “agility” was the focus of our recently released 10th edition of the德勤2021全球首席采购官调查titled “Agility: The Antidote to Complexity.”

In mylast blog post, I wrote about “the why” and “the what” of procurement agility, and now I want to focus on “the how.”


2021 CPO调查

It’s nearly impossible to overstate the impact of COVID-19 on our personal and professional lives over the last year. Friends and colleagues in India are currently experiencing unprecedented hardship with the pandemic, and although we’re all connected globally, we can only succeed with leadership, empathy and determination. Businesses like Deloitte are playing a role here, and luckily, we have a secret weapon called the supply chain that can help, especially with Procurement leaders who can harness the power of their employees and their suppliers to rise to the massive complexity facing us right now. But we need to move faster to meet the moment and prepare for a different future than we envisioned a year ago.

Even when the pandemic subsides, complexity is here to stay, and this is why we chose “agility” as the theme for our just-released 10thannualGlobal Chief Procurement Officer Surveytitled “Agility: The Antidote to Complexity.”


It sure seems like most everyone’s life is getting more complex. When I casually ask friends how they’re doing, the response is usually something about being ridiculously busy and barely being able to keep their head above water. In this age of constant connectivity, rampant over-scheduling at work and home, and constant barrage of information, complexity seems like the new norm.

首席采购官(CPO)也是如此。根据我们的第八个年报“Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey“CPO基本上认为采购相关风险在上升——481名受访者中有近60%表示风险显著(19%)或有所上升(42%)。这是调查结果中提出的复杂性增加这一更广泛主题的一部分,我们从四个主要方面分析了复杂性:外部复杂性(来自采购四面墙之外的阻力)、内部复杂性(管理内部关系和与业务目标保持一致的挑战),人才复杂性(建立有效的采购团队和运营模式)和数字复杂性(定义和执行与更广泛的数字转型工作相一致的数字战略)。在本文中,我将重点介绍前两个复杂领域。随后的帖子将讨论最后两个方面。