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BT Sourced, based in Dublin, announces use of Globality AI-powered Smart Sourcing platform


Today, Silicon Valley-headquartered tech firm Globality announced a partnership with BT Sourced to use its AI-powered Smart Sourcing® platform.

“BT的变化等等是采购,”CPO Cyril Pourrat说。“数字化是长期增长和对BT客户和操作模型的价值的驱动力。与Globality合作将帮助我们接受数字技术,简化我们的流程...立即访问我们当前的供应商,全球各种全球网络将为我们的团队带来灵活性和新价值。“BT现在使用Globitial的AI Advisor,Glo™来快速轻松地利用咨询,营销,HR,法律和其他服务类别的最佳供应商。这是全新的新闻......


The horsemeat scandal in the UK has been occupying a lot of media attention and, I’m sure, much time and effort amongst procurement and supply chain managers in the food industry and elsewhere. It raises so many questions for our profession, and there are very obvious issues here around supplier management in the broadest sense – including questions around quality assurance regimes, supplier information, verification, understanding multi-tier supply chains, systems and technology for managing supplier information and performance... it’s a long list.