花费很重要- Research Download


Published: 2012年5月20日
访问权限: 自由

我与大多数指标表明经济s no longer declining, but growth and rebound will be slow, there's more pressure than ever to manage suppliers effectively. One way you can meet this challenge is to take a collaborative approach in managing your supplier relationships.

These slides are from a previous webinar, featuring a dynamic and interactive discussion with three leading supply management experts:

杰森Busch, Executive Editor, Spend Matters
吉姆劳顿,SVP / General Manager,D&B提供管理解决方案
玫瑰凯莉瀑布,共同主席,Fuzion Group,LLC

To help you gain a competitive edge, our expert panel will explore these key topics:
杰森provided a historical overview of supply risk in terms of what it used to mean, what it means now, and how companies should be looking at expanding their definitions and responsibilities for the future.

吉姆spoke about best demonstrated processes you can use to manage risk throughout the lifetime of supplier relationships.



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