Author Archives:smoore


magnifying glass analysis

I always love doing spend analysis webinars. When I first started at Spend Matters in 2010, spend analysis was in its infancy — as in, “hmm, we really might want to start looking at what people buy, and when, and see if we can do maybe do something about what we find out.” It’s a pleasure to sit down with our own internal procurement futurist, Pierre Mitchell, and industry leaders like GEP, to hear about the new (and fascinating) ways procurement people are using their data, as we did in a recent webinar,花费分析的秘密生活:你从未想过的数据中隐藏在你的数据中。I highly recommend watching the entire event, but just in case you happen to be a busy procurement person who has 15 minutes vs. the full hour, we’ve pulled out some of the highlights for you!

How to Really Get a 360-Degree View of Your Suppliers

supplier relationship management

Last week, I had the pleasure of moderating an ISM webinar with Roger Blumberg (Pool4Tool), Bill DeMartino (riskmethods), Pierre-Francois Thaler (Ecovadis), and Edda Rottscheidt (LexisNexis). If you missed it, I highly recommendwatching the replay。在线研讨会是一个坏事ually come to an end before all of the audience questions are addressed, so I thought I’d start a Spend Matters mini-series to answer some of the ones we weren’t able to make it to live. For this installment, I asked Roger Blumberg to address a question from Genesis Energy:Who (clients, industries) has a 360° view of their suppliers? How real-time is the view? What are their business cases?

下午咖啡: Supply Chain Slavery is All Too Real; Make an Appointment to Buy Apple Watch


You’re Invited! 2015 Procurement Predictions Webinar Series (Part 1)

Throughout January and February, all of our Ask the Expert webinars will be exclusively focused on our collective 2015 Procurement Predictions, put together by the entire Spend Matters analyst team. Best of all? This series is open to ALL Plus/PRO members AND procurement practitioners. Jason Busch and Pierre Mitchell will be kicking off the series this Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015, from 10-10:30 a.m. Central, so don't miss it!Click here to register

What Happens to the Gifts You Return? A Post-Christmas Look at the Supply Chain

零售商现在正在处理商品回报的最繁忙的时间 - 供应链专家表示,电子商务没有帮助。此外,您是否知道来自墨西哥的西红柿(和其他水果和蔬菜)背后的真正供应链故事?此外,寻找本周五出来的一些新数据:这是购买经理索引出来的时候。下午咖啡为您带来最新的供应链和采购新闻。


本周询问专家网络研讨会明天,2014年12月12日起从11-11:30中午30点.CST,花费很重要加上/职业会员将从Xavier Olivera举行谈判墨西哥/拉丁美洲的谈判。Xavier将指导您创建MRO类别工作簿,以说明这种类型的练习如何适应任何采购和知识管理努力。具体而言,他将通过类别范围,机会评估,如何在内部和外部进行简介,如何制定战略,最后,供应商管理中的作用。加上/职业成员,单击通过注册。

问专家: Procurement Performance Management (PPM) – The Ultimate Alignment Tool – Not a Dashboard!

In this session, come hear from one of world's pre-eminent experts in PPM, our own Chief Research Officer Pierre Mitchell, to learn how the best procurement organizations use this capability not to track their lagging metrics of the past, but to look to the future, to stay aligned with stakeholders, to create an effective procurement operating model, and to elevate the supply management value proposition and transform functions beyond world class performance. Caveat: this week’s webinar will take a full 60 minutes. Double espresso recommended. Plus and PRO members, click on through to register.

Join the Spend Matters Analysts on Halloween for The Scariest Procurement Stories of ALL TIME

Nobody loves a scary procurement story as much as the Spend Matters analyst team. Therefore, we thought we'd hold the closest thing you can to a procurement seance (ahem, a webinar, duh) this Friday (Halloween), from 10-10:30am Central. Expect bone chilling procurement tales of terror from Jason Busch, Pierre Mitchell, Peter Smith, and Xavier Olivera. This webinar is open to EVERYONE, so we hope to see you on Friday:register here

IACCM 2014年会议:合同/商业管理人员?你很重要!(第2部分)

you are imporatnt image

In my last post covering IACCM’s Americas Conference, I covered some risk management strategies that contract/commercial people can take before leaving you with a thrilling cliffhanger on how both personal and department branding can be the key to internal and external success. There was an overall encouraging undertone throughout the day of “You are important. Your job is important. Contracting is important. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” So let’s dive into some feel-good personal stuff, shall we?


In this week's Ask The Expert webcast on Friday, October 17 from 10-10:30am Central, Spend Matters Chief Research Officer Pierre Mitchell will give the 50-cent tour of our "50 Shades of Pay" Plus series on spend analysis. Pierre will introduce the analytics framework being used for the series and then provide a roadmap of how spend analytics is a gateway to spend/supply management excellence, starting with historic spend visibility, but then broadening to analytics in procurement performance, supply base performance, and compliance management. And there's more – much more! The session will also cover related areas of master data management, planning and budgeting, working capital management, risk management, and predictive analytics. Sunglasses not provided, unfortunately. Plus/PRO members, click on through to register.

IACCM’s 2014 Conference: Holistic Risk Management Through Contracting (Part 1)

As CEO Tim Cummins said in his keynote speech on the first day of this year’s IACCM Americas Conference: “The journey for recognition of the contracting function has taken 15 years - most of it wandering through a desert.” Dry (heh) British humor aside, the overall feeling at the event was that contracting as a whole is finally getting the corporate recognition that it deserves, as a “professionalized community that operates with respect in the business world.” Here are some highlights from the sessions I attended on holistic risk management (through contracts, of course!).