
分类管理 Djile / Adob​​e股票

在本系列的第一部分,我们介绍了类别管理,这远远不仅仅是将产品分组成类别和类别采购。我们得出的适当类别管理是管理供应的战略方法,这些方法将采购组织从成本节约到价值发生器转换为使用高级策略和工作流程,这些过程将外部客户连接到内部客户并收集所有要求,连接内部客户采购和与他们合作,为该类别开发最佳策略,并将采购与下游采购联系,以确保合同和执行计划,并保留已识别的值。那就是一开始。That’s why, in our last article, we defined some of the many facets of modern category management, which some may call category management 2.0, in an effort to illustrate that proper category management is not a one-size-fits-all process or strategy but an evolving strategic mindset that takes into account the organizational needs, market conditions and results of the category analysis and adapts to provide the organization with the best overall value each time the category is sourced. We also talked about the multidimensional nature of modern categories, the need for customization on a category basis and category intelligence. But even though these are pretty advanced approaches, they are still simple compared with where a modern sourcing organization needs to go. In this article, we explore a few of these (advanced) approaches.

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