Author Archives:托马斯凯斯

How Non-Compliant is Your T&E and P-Card Spend?


Gaining better compliance on your spending is not a new topic, but it’s still a daunting one for many reasons. Compliance takes many forms: regulatory compliance, internal compliance to contract, supplier compliance to contract and source-to-pay process compliance that affects the others. Therefore, your compliance analytics have to accommodate many different requirements, and we recommend including these analytics on your evolutionary journey from simple forensic “spent analysis” of PO and accounts payable (A/P) history to more strategic predictive supply analytics.

Scanmarket: A Strategic Sourcing Suite Provider To Add to Your Shortlist


Scanmarket has not yet crossed the awareness and marketing chasm, even if it has won over the market that matters most: a diverse and broad set of more than 300 Global 2000 customers — and that’s not a misprint. In short, while it has underinvested to date in marketing to build awareness and thought leadership relative to peers, Scanmarket has quietly become become one of the top half dozen or so largest strategic sourcing suites in the market by customer adoption and growth. This Spend Matters PRO research brief provides an introduction to Scanmarket, including a look at its history, solution footprint and general capabilities. In a follow-up analysis, we will consider the product features and capabilities in greater detail.

Apple Tops List of Greenest Supply Chain in China, New Report States

sustainable supply chain

Apple is leading the green supply chain movement in China, according to a new report that evaluated more than 150 brands on their supply chain environmental management efforts and effectiveness. The Corporate Information Transparency Index (CITI), issued by the international nonprofit environmental organization National Resources Defence Council and Beijing-based nonprofit Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs, evaluated 167 brands on their supply chain environmental management in China using government-issued and public data on company suppliers from the last year.

P2P Suite Adoption in Asia: Selection Considerations, Shortlists and Forecast Market Growth


亚洲市场在其采用生命周期之中尚未进行购买 - 支付(P2P)解决方案及相关采购技术套件和工具,用于公司定居为不同的采用和需求规范或类型。然而,拥抱技术的兴趣和热情,特别是成熟技术,如电子采购解决方案,在许多亚洲市场中增长大幅增加,即使每个选择过程,用例和需要有些独特。由于花费事项的结论是亚洲的P2P和采购技术采用的本系列,我们分享了我们与该区域组织共享的具体选择流程建议,提供了一个区域能力和支持的推荐供应商的候选名单,并提供整体市场预测。对于该地区。

P2P在亚洲加热 - 采用款式,打击腐败和付款


采购和薪酬(P2P)解决方案的采用和兴趣正在各种区域亚洲市场升温。花费很重要的意见这一趋势在私营部门的一系列原因被驱动,其中许多人都与西方国家当前采用司机截然不同。This multipart Spend Matters PRO analysis considers what is driving P2P interest in the region, whether Asian organizations are adopting a U.S. versus European mindset to e-procurement (they’re different!) and how organizations should think about addressing localized requirements, as well as offers recommendations for specific selection process, technology vendor shortlists and related analysis.

WSJ Falls Short: What Procurement Should Do in Cloud Contracting — Beyond the RFP

Cloud P2P

当云应用在中期出现时(即,上十年),软件提供商将解决方案销售为内部内部选项的更灵活的替代方案。更好的价格,更多的选择在哪个模块中可以购买,当一个卓越的技术来到市场时,可以易于切换到新的提供商 - 这是华尔街日报中最近的文章称为云计算的“承诺”。而且,显然,这一承诺背后的企业已经倒下了,而是提供了一个没有比内部部署企业解决方案更好的模型。但是,这个论点错过了宽边缘的内部前提与点心辩论的要点。WSJ文章几乎意味着内部部署比在软件 - AS-Service(SaaS)格式中提供的解决方案便宜。这几乎没有这种情况 - 它坦率地忽略了针对前提解决方案的真正所有权总体成本(TCO)。这花费很重要加上文章为萨斯/云解决方案的从业者提供了实际建议,是否支持业务中的采购或任何其他类型的区域。

亚洲的P2P展望2016年 - 采用趋势,市场分析和预测(第1部分)


During my travels over the past month to Southeast Asia — to Manila (in the Philippines) and to Singapore — I have had the opportunity and privilege to address procurement audiences on a range of topics including cost savings (in the holistic total cost of ownership sense), vendor management solutions (VMS) as well as procure-to-pay (P2P) solution selection considerations. The Asian market, which is a misnomer given that it is truly many regional markets, brings with it a number of unique requirements, needs and adoption trends that are different from the rest of the world. This multi-part Spend Matters PRO research brief provides an overview of P2P adoption trends, buying requirements and evolving customer requirements. It also offers a general market analysis and adoption forecast as we look ahead to 2016 and beyond with P2P in Asia.

Opus Global在同一个屋檐下带来Alacra和Hiperos


Opus Global announced Wednesday it acquired Alacra, a 20-year-old data aggregation and analytics firm focused on risk and compliance solutions for financial services. The firm brings a gold-plated roster of premier data content partners to the deal. In practice, this means that Alacra is good at aggregating data from a large number of sources, deduping and cross-referencing this content with process workflow around it, thereby ensuring more reliable compliance.

Opus Acquires Alacra: Market Possibilities and What it Means for Hiperos

magnifying glass analysis

Opus Global has been out shopping for companies again, and this time it bought data aggregation and analytics capabilities in the form of Alacra. Opus announced the news yesterday. This Spend Matters PRO research brief takes a look at Opus’ recent acquisition of the 20-year-old data aggregation and analytics firm, which brings an impressive roster of premier data content partners along with it. We discuss the possible potential of this deal and what it might add to Opus’ other procurement-centric solution provider, Hiperos, and what it can mean from a bigger market perspective.

花费50/50:同意 - 提供2015年的提供商

同意是我们的一个50个提供商了解. We will be highlighting 100 companies (50 to Know, 50 to Watch) from our 2015 Spend Matters Almanac over the span of 100 days. Practitioners are encouraged to browse the categories listed in our Almanac to find the provider that best fits their needs.

同意has been a part of SAP’s cloud offering since December 2014 (alongside earlier procurement related acquisitions such as Ariba, Fieldglass and Successfactors). Most Concur users primarily associate the firm with expense reporting, but the SAP business unit has more arrows in its quiver.



Part 1of our series on procurement platforms, we started discussing various characteristics of platforms and gave some examples of these solutions, namely同意(now a part of SAP). In this PRO research brief, we will analyze what Concur and its platform offers and how the provider brings the platform benefits to life. But how has Concur built its platform? And how, exactly, does the provider differentiate itself from all these other procurement platform “posers?” Read on! We will also discuss how procurement organizations can distinguish between actual platforms and those just using this powerful term as a sales tactic.

Supplier Diversity – Time to Plan Ahead and Get Your Data Cleansing Done

supplier diversity

Good, clean supplier diversity data are needed for a number of requirements – but how do you get there? If you ask your accounts payables team who among your suppliers qualifies as small-, minority- and women-owned business enterprises, you’ll likely get a blank stare or an incomplete list with some good guesses, at best. Follow these steps to get your diversity reporting back on track.