

这赞助了观点article has been provided byBearingPoint Consulting


第1步 - 用5-10年来定义范围

成功的选择过程考虑了价值链及超出ERP核心的所有方面,通常扩展评估标准,包括捕获可操作数据并将其送回生态系统的功能区域和模块。这包括PLM,HCM,CRM,WMS的标准模块 - 但有几种原因还包括特定行业的解决方案。


First, many five-year strategic roadmaps include the establishment of capabilities that are supported by these ancillary applications. These applications have evolved since they were originally conceived and are now both data-rich and data-hungry.



最后,毕博建议组织s balance the value from digitalization of certain capabilities against the costs associated with the architecture model they pursue. While “best of breed” (selecting tools from many vendors vs. focusing on a single stack) can be a strong model, the total cost of ownership often increases and must be evaluated in the context of the incremental capabilities that can be extracted from this method. These additional costs are generally a result of:

  • 通过在单一供应商处购买时,通过谈判更大的购买来损失利用
  • 增加开发和支持费用,以建立初始集成以及不断测试和维护它们

Wrapping up Step 1, BearingPoint recommends laying out a 5- to 10-year scope and considering the total cost of ownership and integration challenges along with estimated benefits when selecting an application ecosystem. Typically, this involves modeling both best-in-class applications and a full software stack from a single provider. The process should also include defining the future state expectations of the IT organization and the impact on staffing levels with both models.

Step 2 — Understand the future state by process


These early conversations are critical and form the basis of the change management strategy as the future-state is compared, at a high level, to how processes are executed in the current environment. The underlying intent of these conversations is to focus on understanding the user community’s ability and willingness to adopt new ways of working. It quickly exposes key areas of change — not only where things will be significantly different and will require training and monitoring — but also where the organization will need to gain user buy-in.


第3步 - 创建一个彻底覆盖所有流程区域的评估团队



第4步 - 包括最好的供应商

Affordability of the software is a primary concern for mid-size organizations and will often be part of the core criteria for selecting the initial set of vendors to evaluate. This often leads to evaluating smaller software suppliers in lieu of the leading vendors because the smaller vendors are perceived to be more cost-efficient. However, this is a misconception because leading vendors typically price their software based on client size, and therefore become affordable for most mid-market organizations.



第5步 - 了解生活中的一天



Well-developed demonstration scripts must be comprehensive enough so the vendors have adequate time to prepare. These scripts are unique to the client and can exceed a full day of process demonstration per vendor. Three to four weeks preparation is generally allotted with dedicated time for vendors to ask questions about the script, current processes and engage in discussions about the decision criteria for each process area. External partners typically gain enough knowledge in the first four steps to play a key role and help the vendors prepare without consuming user time.

Step 6 — Understand the business case in the context of software-as-a-service

软件许可模型,尤其是由软件 - AS-Service定价计划(SaaS)为主的世界,可以非常复杂,并将组织留出危险的意外成本。EssistPoint的专家团队可以帮助浏览市场,实现最低的总体拥有成本并获得最有利的条款。

复杂性经常居住在线项目级别,公司需要确保他们完全了解每个软件供应商材料中包含的内容,还有可能购买的东西,以及定价的杠杆 - 由供应商而异依赖于大量的不同度量。

To justify the cost, a good selection process will contrast the Total Cost of Ownership with the transformation objectives and metrics from each process area to identify which solution best helps the organization meet the future state goals. In addition, the incremental cost of any gap not addressed by the solution should be evaluated to understand the impact and the available alternatives.




An external partner that assists with the technology ecosystem selection is the ultimate strategic partner. A strong partner will bring expertise in software selection and sourcing along with functional expertise to help the organization understand the “art of the possibility.” In addition, the partner will manage the process through an executive lens to ensure that transformation decisions are made in alignment with the long-term business strategy. BearingPoint has significant experience helping organizations select software solutions for ERP, CRM, PLM, HCM, WMS and many other areas.




在这里到达作者:斯科特格伦,伙伴,CIO咨询,scott.glenn@bearingpoint.com.— and马特埃利斯,高级经理,CIO咨询,matt.ellis@bearingpoint.com.




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