Classification Guru and MineralTree: New Year wishes for the procurement solutions and services marketplace 2022

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In our series of New Year wishes (rather than predictions) for the procurement, supply and services market for the year ahead (read more about it here),今天我们听到了苏珊沃尔什,Owner and Fou弯曲TheClassification Guru,数据分类和清洁专家。

My 3 wishes 2022:

1. Data quality becomes an investment, not a cost


I’d like decision-makers to start viewing data quality as an investment, those in the know understand that by investing upfront to keep data clean and accurate, it can save thousands, if not millions in the long run, and that’s just the financial value, not the time involved by their own employees trying to fix and clean the data.


I would love to hear more organizations talking about having their data COAT on. This means that their data is:

  • Consistent - 例如使用相同的日期格式,测量单位或流程
  • ORggorized - 使您的数据很容易找到衣柜中的衣服。按类别,区域,部门,部门或类别等类别对其进行排序,以便能够快速提取信息
  • Accurate数据必须适合于目的,并准确于手头的任务
  • Trustworthy.once you have the C, O and A, you then have trustworthy data and can report back to your organization, confident that they will make better business decisions



The power of data classification is hugely underrated. And I’m not just talking about spend analytics, spend management or cost savings. It can help with supplier diversity, sustainability and responsible sourcing – all hot topics right now:

  • 想知道哪些供应商是多种多样的?分类他们。
  • Want to know if a supplier has a modern slavery act in place, or operations in countries with poor human rights legislation? Classify them.
  • Want to know if a supplier uses sustainable materials in their products? Classify them.


If you are looking for tech to help with your procurement goals for 2022, try out Spend Matters TechMatch℠ to benchmark and shortlist providers

接下来今天我们听到了Vijay Ramnathan,AP和付款自动化专家总裁矿物质植物

My 3 wishes 2022:

2. The final obstacles to AP automation get removed

AP automation had been on a slow and steady rise, until the last 18 months, when the pandemic forced many businesses to quickly update their manual, paper-based payment processes. I think 2022 will carry that momentum forward as more buyers look to convert more payments to electronic methods and take advantage of all the other efficiencies AP automation provides. To do so, businesses need to work with their solution providers to onboard suppliers to accept digital payments and give their suppliers a choice in how they get paid to make it a win-win for both sides.

2. Suppliers get an equal seat at the table in B2B relationships

在2021年带来了许多供应链中断attention to the strategic importance of supplier relationships for many businesses. This was especially true in industries like healthcare where the steady flow of supplies is essential to delivering critical services. Accurate, timely payments are key to those relationships. This will give suppliers more say in how they get paid as organizations focus on keeping their businesses moving forward and preventing future supply chain vulnerabilities.


As businesses continue to automate their AP function, they gain access to a treasure trove of data that can help them accelerate their modernization efforts — by forecasting cash flow more accurately, predicting payment fraud, analyzing payment and receivables trends, and understanding which payment methods cause the most or least problems with suppliers. The result can be more confident strategic decision-making, improved operational control, and a better understanding of customer and supplier needs.

Thanks to The Classification Guru and MineralTree and look out for the remainder of our solution and services provider wishes/predictions later this week with an overall take on the series from our analyst at the end.查看更多供应商预测和愿望。


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