Defining Spend Analysis 3.0: The path from spend summaries to deep insights[专业版]


In Spend Matters’ last two PRO articles in this series, we talked about how spend analysis todayis a bit like George Costanzain Seinfeld’s world. He’s something you have to laugh at, not with, when he tells us we’re buying computer mice, not furry lab mice, even when we are a global Pet Emporium — a shockingly common scenario found in first-generation auto-categorizers in (primarily) second generation spend analysis solutions. We summarized how, with proper use, the best 2.x solutions will provide value, and in the hands of a true expert, more value than a skeptic might expect. Previously, we hinted at thecore capabilities of spend analytics 3.0在我们的第一篇帖子中,发现了一些core requirements of such a system在上一篇文章中,我们概述了一些在2中不可能产生关键价值的场景。x系统,或者至少不可能提取数据中的完整值。

然而,如果你没有掌握支出分析的全部力量,你永远不会知道你没有获得多少价值——这可能是你为一个解决方案支付的金额的倍数,该解决方案本应帮助你识别,甚至防止过度支出。这就是为什么在这篇文章中,我们完全定义了3的功能。x解决方案,并阐明它与1的区别。x和2。x解决方案,具体定义这些解决方案提供(因此不提供)的功能。然后,一旦我们明确了级别,我们将提供一个广泛的分析列表,这些分析只能通过Expense Analysis 3.0来完成。
