New Hackett research: Spend cost reduction back at the top of the CPO agenda

CPO agenda supply Pixabay.

The Hackett Group已将其最新研究发布到顶部CPO议程项目2021年。万博体育下载app虽然样本规模并不巨大,但它确实形成了从业横断面的业务优先级的现实迹象,来自金融,人力资源300+高级管理人员,来自中型和大型组织的采购,供应链和全球商业服务。

The jury is still out on when they see a stabilizing of business conditions, with 41% believing they might see improvements by the second half of the year and 36% predicting it will take longer. There’s not a lot in it, but it’s true to say that the fallout from the unprecedented business disruption of 2020, including the dramatic shift to remote working, will continue to shape procurement’s priorities for 2021 and beyond.

因此,对于CPO议程而言,该报告明确奠定了前十大优先事项。让他们的手被迫支持了2020年的中断,他们现在正在恢复他们的议程,再次关注“花钱减少”(可怕的术语,但基本上“花费减少” - 采购饮食的主要措施虽然近年来,虽然“成为商业战略顾问”略显追求,但仍然是至关重要的。


And as you’d expect, supply risk management has emerged as the procurement function’s second most important objective for 2021. Supply assurance clearly means greater focus on managing supplier relationships and collaborating for value that is non-spend related.


  1. 减少支出费用
  2. Reduce supply risk to ensure supply continuity
  3. 作为业务的战略顾问
  4. 加速采购数字转型
  5. Improve procurement agility
  6. 现代化采购应用平台
  7. 使业务需求变化的技能和人才
  8. 改善分析和报告能力
  9. Enable corporate sustainability goals
  10. 增加花费影响


It’s interesting to note that企业可持续发展made it into this top 10 list for the first time, representing a broader focus on corporate social responsibility. But right at the top is the time-old issue ofreducing costs,正如它所说:“在普遍的危机恢复条件下,成本采取中心阶段。采购必须继续提供其最基本的价值主张:花费降低成本。重要的2020年成本削减和增加工作负载的组合是紧张许多采购组织,这将继续进入2021年。“

风险管理当然是今年主要关注的问题,“董事会跨越商业风险的重大增加 - 从供应链中断到网络安全,以监管变革对长大型大流行相关的限制的经济影响。组织的所有部分,尤其是采购,都会感受到这种高风险的商业环境的影响,并需要将其考虑到其2021年的转型议程。“

One big mover this year is企业数字转型当我们在议程上查看有主要举措的公司的百分比时,这一增长了五个成为前五大企业举措的领先地位。“在危机期间经过加速数字学习曲线后,”报告称,“公司计划利用所吸取的经验教训。”也不出现,diversity and inclusion programsrose by seven places to reach this top five list.

采购领导人还在采用数据可视化工具和2021年(分别为26%和25%)的高级分析和建模工具中进行了显着增长。但在最高的采购问题中,该领域被指定为具有最低的地址能力。“开发现代分析能力是一个复杂的过程,”它所在。“设置强大的主数据管理程序是第一个 - 以及最关键的步骤之一。如果没有访问广泛的,值得信赖的数据,可以从分析中收集一点。开发分析技能对于战略决策,预测性见解和敏捷行为也是必不可少的。“

在加速其数字能力时,该研究发现,采购正在向基于云的系统迅速转化,花费套房和最佳的解决方案预计会显着增长(分别为29%和22%)。“采用先进的新兴技术在采购中仍然受到限制,”它说,“虚拟助手和认知计算/ AI只有预计会看到11%的增长率,大规模部署。但采购的成功将在很大程度上取决于更广泛的实施和采用现代化工具。“


Laying out the top targets for 2021 is all well and good, but you also need insight into how you address them. So the report also offers an understanding of the hurdles getting in the way of that and gives a perspective on the 10 most critical actions and accomplishments that procurement will be judged on one year from now.

The full research is available to download for free here:2021 Procurement Key Issues Research.

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