

AvidXchange, an accounts payable (AP) automation solution provider,正在为最初的公开发售准备公司(IPO), with the company expected to be valued at more than $7 billion, according to Reuters. It has hired investment banks, including Goldman Sachs Group, to help out.

AvidXchange提供了自动为中小企业支付,发票和账户的软件。文章说,Covid Lockdowns强迫较小的公司使用数字解决方案,这是可能提升了Avidxchange的业务的数字解决方案。

基于北卡罗来纳州的公司旨在列出第二季度的股票市场。文章说,除高盛,摩根大通追逐,美国银行和巴克莱将成为IPO安排集团的一部分。涉及的人认为Avidxchange的价值50亿美元至70亿美元,并且在看其后可能有多达100亿美元latest round of funding in April 2020这篇文章说。

"AvidXchange has benefited from multiple converging trends which align with its offering,” Spend Matters Founder Jason Busch said. “First is the comparatively late-stage digitization of payments in North America compared to the rest of the world, especially in small and middle-market companies. Second is the ability to drive more spend onto cards through technology, automation and engagement/outreach to suppliers. And third is putting technology like AP automation at the front end of the payments process, almost as a Trojan horse.

“虽然AvidXchange看起来更像是B2B付款公司(思考Fleetcor)而不是一个Coupatoday, these worlds are colliding more and more every day. Like many, I can't wait to see the market reaction to the IPO, and how AvidXchange and others continue to bring the worlds of procurement and payments closer together."


欧洲委员会周三宣布新的准则restrict the export of COVID-19 vaccinesfrom the 27-member bloc, according to CNBC.

Some officials raised concerns that pharmaceutical firms will miss delivery targets in the upcoming months. The commission wants to ensure that member states will receive all of the shots that have been promised for the second quarter, the article said. The number of vaccines will be critical for the EU to reach its target of vaccinating 70% of its population by the end of the summer.


Suez traffic jam: Stuck ship idles busy waterway

A 1,300-foot-longcargo ship in the Suez Canal在沙尘暴中横向横幅,并成为周二的地面,在该地区最繁忙的水路上阻止了交通。如果路透社的说法,如果运河不打开,则达到大西洋港口的唯一方法就是围绕非洲,这是额外的一周。



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