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As we made clear inPart 1那two general categories of business have been hit hard by the coronavirus shutdown: services and non-essential products. Your business is likely already online to some degree — but now's the time to go all in on e-commerce and reach your customers via social media or other virtual means. For physical shops that sell goods, we addressed ways that you can boost sales by going online.


The services category of business includes, among other categories:

  • Restaurants (which in some jurisdictions are permitted to stay open just for take-out service)
  • Non-essential healthcare (cosmetic procedures, nutritionists, etc.)
  • 个人服务(儿童保育,理发店和发廊,健身房,纹身Parlors等)
  • Bars and coffee shops
  • Entertainment venues & galleries
  • Recreational facilities

Let's take the easy categories first.


这些餐馆应该能够推出,只要他们拥有一个忠诚的客户群,他们在经济上能够放置房地带订单,餐馆能够有效地提供这些订单(因为客户可能无法支付许多费用被打了)。这里的一个关键将侧重于本地区域,使在线订购简单,并重新部署辅助人员 - 猜测当地自行车交付。自行车快递员可能在许多国家落下时尚,但许多司法管辖区希望尽可能清晰地保持道路,因为医疗保健专业人士和紧急船员可以清楚地清晰,是时候他们卷土重来。(也许你需要为可以骑行和订购您的自行车友好的送货包的员工购买一些自行车,但这可以很容易地完成。)我们希望看到自行车快递服务的崛起,从拥挤的城市中获取进取的个人服务只是为了通过这种危机进行交付(因为如果你已经脱钙,而且你可以骑,它的工作和锻炼)。

Consultation-based non-essential healthcare


And if you're a nutritionist or psychologist, use social media and online forums to build your personal profile now that everyone is stuck inside and on their diets or trying to avoid stress-eating as a result of isolation anxiety. In the former case, advise them on diets rich in vitamins and minerals known to boost the immune system and fight off flu viruses in general. In the latter, give people tips for coping with the daily anxiety to help them get through this crisis. While you should not unduly profit off the crisis, it’s OK to make a living — and, in the words attributed to Winston Churchill, you should never let a good crisis go to waste!

Now let's move on to the not-so-easy categories.

Personal Services

If you're a salon, tattoo parlor or spa, you're shut down. And there's nothing you can do about it. You'll likely have to lay off your staff (and pray they can get some of the COVID-19 funding that various jurisdictions offer) and hope there is something in an emergency loan package for you as you may not make your rent otherwise. If you have enough in the piggy bank until a loan comes in, you have a chance to make it. But only if the customer base comes back.

To that end, your only hope is to remain front and center in their minds. Just like personal trainers, nutritionists and psychologists can provide tips on getting through the crisis physically and mentally healthy, salons can provide clients with fashion updates, tattoo artists can offer advice on selecting the right tattoo, and spas can give tips on home remedies that clients can use for skin care until they can return to the spa.

You can also build a sense of community by organizing a charity drive for a local food bank or medical center. And if you build this community, and you're really hard-up for cash (as that loan can't come in fast enough), you can tap this community to buy gift certificates now (at a discount such as 20% off) for services later. (While it's not ideal to build up debt from your customer base, if it's the only option, and your customers are willing to pull you through and come back to you when all this is over, why not?)


This comes down to whether you can get enough people, socially distanced for groups of more than X (where X depends on jurisdiction), into a room to put on a show that you can livestream and collect payment for. If so, you can potentially stay in business, and your entertainers can potentially stay afloat!

If you are a theater, time to start booking comedians, one-person monologue plays, plays with a small cast like "Waiting for Godot", small bands, and so-on. Hire a couple of camera people, a soundboard specialist and a livestreaming guru, then space them out throughout the facility, and go, go, go (If约翰奥利弗能做他的节目从一个小房间,他寂寞吗in his house, certainly you can put that space to good use and do PPV livestreaming. It shouldn't be the sole domain of the WWE). Bars, pubs and other venues big enough for live shows — take note. This might be your only option for survival!


Local Bars and Coffee Shops

如果你没有办法进入外卖game, then your options are few and far between, if you have any at all, and you might soon be among the COVID-19 disenfranchised. The sad reality is that without appropriate government help, some of your businesses will not survive and you will be among the disenfranchised (and you need to read the next article in our series).

Private Galleries and Recreational Facilities


Hopefully some of your funding is coming from charities or trusts or government funding sources, because, if not, you'll literally be relying on donations to get you through this. If you are a gallery, start putting virtual tours online and ask for donations. If you are a recreational facility, start hosting livestream workout sessions, home exercise advice, and related information online for donations. Anything will help.

不幸的是,在一天结束时,一些企业的生存将需要中度到大裁员,直到物理业务能够重新开放,增加到那里已经出现的大量Covid-19 Dispfrondised。虽然时间黯淡,但他们仍然有选择,如果他们愿意做出临时的职业变化和/或获得非常有创意(当然,在临时提供给他们的任何资金之后 - 这是一个可怕的情况没有人能出于生存的问题)。


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