
伊坦 Harinder Bansal,机动作战IT采购负责人(个人照片)

正如我们在最近的一篇文章中所写的那样品牌工作室article, more and more procurement teams are having to think like and understand IT if they want to have a comprehensive view of the business, especially given the array of technology on offer to them today. Aligning procurement more with IT asset management (ITAM) also offers an opportunity to drive cost savings and rethink the organization’s true technology needs versus wants.

If you are tasked with running a procurement technology selection process, Spend Matters has tangible guidance and templates to swiftly yield your best-fit solution provider.

We’ll be sharing more views on procurement/IT alignment, but today, Harinder Bansal fromMotability Operations作为IT采购主管,他与我们分享了自己的看法。

“Over the course of the last decade,” he says, “the discipline of IT Asset Management has been slowly rising out of the shadows. It was once the back-office team known for ‘counting computers,’ but has pulled itself out of the basement and up to the more senior levels of the business. In fact, according to万博体育下载appITAM评论研究2018年,37%的ITAM从业者已经直接向C-suite报告,该公司创始人马丁·汤普森(Martin Thompson)表示伊坦Forum,一个倡导ITAM行业的非营利组织,这一趋势正在持续增长。”

So what is ITAM, and what does it have to do with procurement?



“Most companies embark on their first ITAM project in response to receiving an Audit Letter from one of their major software publishers (the likes of Microsoft,Oracle国际商用机器公司).软件审核涉及软件发行商或其指定的第三方,以确定该组织是否有足够的许可证来使用其使用的所有软件。考虑到软件许可协议的复杂性,以及企业软件可以如此轻松地安装的方式,供应商希望在许可方面找到一个明显的不足。该组织的结果是,在审计结束时,出现了一大笔意想不到的软件账单。作为一名从事IT采购的人,“巨大而意外的账单”不是我们想要看到的。此外,46%的组织报告在大流行期间审计请求增加(根据research by The ITAM Review)现在不是放松警惕的时候。


Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship?

“伊坦clearly makes a compelling business case for itself when it comes to compliance, but the cost savings it can deliver on a long-term basis further help to justify its existence and bolster its position as a friend of IT Procurement. When it comes to the purchase of IT assets, there is a natural synergy between ITAM and IT Procurement, with ITAM simply picking up where IT Procurement stopped.


“伊坦can also recommend best-fit licensing for the organization’s needs or take advantage of different licensing schemes or vendor incentives based on a deeper understanding of how the organization uses software. When it comes to hardware, ITAM has a role to play in re-using and re-purposing assets to maximize their usable value – all of these deliver significant value to IT Procurement and the organization at large.”

ITAM论坛的创始人Martin Thompson指出,ITAM在Covid-19大流行后协助IT采购方面具有特别独特的作用。大流行开发的大部分采购决策是与支持家庭工作(ZOOM许可,办公室365,笔记本电脑等)有关的技术相关。ITAM可以帮助它采购,以确定供应商风险可能撒谎,以及这些投资的利用率可能需要在未来返回/缩减。这可能是一个非常强大的合作伙伴关系,当时公司需要他们可以获得的所有成本节约。“

最终,它采购之间的协同效应nd ITAM can be significant. They have a strong bond in protecting the organization from unnecessary costs, albeit approaching the issue from different, but complementary, angles.

“If you don’t know who is responsible for ITAM in your organization,” says Harinder, “you should make it your priority to introduce yourself. And if you look and still can’t find them, you may just find out that it’s you!”


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