
在过去的几个月里,我有很多与中间市场的制造商和顾问的对话,试图找出如果花管理适合较小的组织。显然,各种规模的公司可以受益于更好的采购和采购,在其他领域。但是花管理是一个更广泛的概念,进入这一分析,我尚不完全清楚,把整体的角度管理花费较小的组织。不幸的是,我仍然没有答案,只是说它取决于环境和行业。但在提供更多的分析,让我们开始讨论通过定义中间市场。对我来说,那就是模糊区域的公司收入介于2500万美元和20亿美元。当然,这是一个巨大的范围,但作为一个社会评论家曾经说过指色情,“我知道当我看到它”。中间市场是相同的方式。中间市场企业面临着一系列的挑战使花管理困难的概念。我们会在最关键的下面,但对于更广泛的概述,结账供需链管理块在这个问题上。的学习更多关于中间市场分析师,没有太多的研究。万博体育下载appForrester的Andrew Bartels通常指的是“玻璃天花板”采购应用程序及其未能穿透较小的组织。AMR的定量市场研究万博体育下载app研究证实了巴特尔。万博体育下载app但总的来说,这是一个主题很少被研究的水平。我们试着改变这种定期在花问题探索的主题。现在,在我们看来!首先,中间市场企业往往缺乏一个专门的团队花费管理资源。当然,可能有一个小的采购团队,甚至有人专门的战略采购,但很少做中间市场组织一个专门的,高级团队专注于解决更广泛的消费管理问题(总成本管理、供应商绩效管理、全球采购,等等)。这可以让拥抱花的总概念管理困难,虽然肯定一个值得追求的目标。此外,中间市场企业往往比大公司关注不同的采购目标,其中许多花管理思想背道而驰。例如,它是件司空见惯的一个中间市场公司放弃太多的谈判更好的付款方式(现金流最大化),而不是谈判降低购买价格,本来正确的总成本的策略。在过去的一个月,我看到第一手的中间市场组织是如何兴奋它如何能够紧固件花180天付款条件谈判。 But clearly, in getting these terms, they gave up significant leverage in driving down their purchase cost for a category where it’s not uncommon to see 30-50% savings via competitive bid. In addition, middle market companies often don’t have the same buying clout as larger organizations, nor do they have consistency of volume. This can make it harder to not only negotiate the best terms with suppliers, but to develop an ongoing collaborative relationship as a preferred buying organization. The regional focus of many middle market organizations can also make it difficult to break out of a regional purchasing mindset. And some middle market organizations don’t have the same degree of purchasing professionalism and savvy as larger organizations. There also tends to be less of knowledge around enabling technologies and Spend Management strategies and processes. But there’s good news as well. Middle market companies tend to have more centralized decision making abilities and can move more quickly than larger organizations. They’re also often great candidates for category-based Spend Management BPO (especially on the indirect side). Where can middle market companies turn to for tools geared towards their needs? I can’t vouch for the quality of their solutions because I’ve not dug into their products or done reference checks, but I really like the way Ketera bundles visibility, procurement, and contract management for the middle market. Whether they become the salesforce.com of Spend Management remains to be seen, however. You can read about their middle-market bundles and pricing在这里。还有是最近一批新的咨询公司如雨后春笋般涌现解决花中间市场的管理需求。我要面试Transpacaccess”肖恩·哈雷和Aptium全球的斯图亚特·伯恩斯在未来几周得到他们对主题的见解。在2005年,我们承诺给中间市场应有的关注!杰森·布希



