CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE: Sievo — find the risks hiding in your data, prioritize and take action[PRO]

AvidXchange IPO analysis

In our response to the coronavirus outbreak, this Spend Matters PRO series is continuing its mission to examine selected technology providers that professionals in procurement, finance and supply chain organizations should consider to reduce, and even mitigate, coronavirus supply risk — and then recover as fast as possible when sanity returns to the world.

The introduction to this series grouped the technology providers that we will (initially) cover into five specialty areas, with an example vendor for each.

1. Supply risk management (e.g., riskmethods.)
2. Sourcing and commodity management, including advanced sourcing, direct sourcing and commodity management to help dynamically plan and source (e.g., Jaggaer)
3. Advanced procurement analytics to enable direct procurement and/or to perform “spend planning” when demand drops out or spikes (e.g., Sievo)
4. P2P that emphasizes working capital, dynamic discounting, payment control and related finance priorities (e.g., Basware)
5. Fraud, P2P and Vendor Management Safeguards (e.g., APEX Analytix)

Owing to the magnitude of the crisis, we recently made the series introductionavailable for free, to all readers, to serve as a jumping off point. PRO subscribers can see our initial vendor profile ofriskmethodsand other profiles in this series. (All readers can get a lot of free information on each PRO brief before the analysis begins behind the paywall.)

今天我们继续深潜水在您的系列vo, one of the analytics providers we mentioned in our introduction and a unique provider in the spend analytics space. In fact, it was the only provider called out by name by Spend Matters Founder Jason Busch on his recent Nexus piece on theMcKinsey’s acquisition of Orpheusbecause of the unique offering and value it brings to the space as one of the last turn-key, pure-play solutions and, now, the only such offering with a mature solution for community-based commodity/direct material insights and deep market intelligence.

If your organization doesn’t have an advanced sourcing and procurement analytics platform, it’s one of the most fit-for-purpose, off-the-shelf platforms to help your organization analyze its way through the COVID-19 crisis.

How? That’s what this article will attempt to answer, double-clicking on one of the best-fit vendors for the job.

Let’s dive into our look at Sievo and its ability to help during the coronavirus crisis.

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