Determining Your Future Tech Strategy – a webinar with Basware and Bergfors

在采购行动和流程的各个方面,越来越多的需求正在强迫许多公司重新考虑他们的采购技术或考虑增加它 - 或者甚至开始首先采用它。无论您的技术水平如何采用,它对您理解为什么要制作数字决策的选择,采用和集成练习仍然至关重要,以及哪种类型的解决方案最适合该问题的答案。

So we have a webinar for you, with P2P expertsBasware和我们自己的VP欧洲研究和领导分析师在空间,马格万博体育下载app努斯Bergfors。下一个星期三6月10日,Magnus将与Basware交谈,了解如何选择数字采购解决方案。他将讨论您的组织如何最佳地确定采购技术的需求,如何选择合适的技术供应商以及如何在端到端和专业的数字采购解决方案之间进行选择。

The subject of specialist versus end-to-end source-to-pay suites is a long-time favourite of Magnus, having spent many years as lead analyst and agenda manager on procurement and strategic sourcing applications for Gartner. If you asked Magnus what he thinks is the best approach, he would tell you:

“An end-to-end source-to-pay suite often seems more appealing than a specialist solution at first glance. And there are advantages to it — there’s no doubting that. The most practical one is from an IT management perspective. Your business will have fewer solutions to deal with and fewer integration points with an end-to-end approach. Second is that you get a similar look and logic across multiple solutions, making it easier to use. The third advantage is in the analytics where you can have data from multiple modules succinctly located in one place.


In this Basware Digital Connect webinar, Magnus aims to explain why modern businesses are turning towards an "ecosystem" approach for S2P solutions, answering questions such as:

  • 套件方法的优缺点是什么样的生态系统方法?
  • 系统的生态系统是否改善了业务敏捷性?
  • What's the best way to decide what approach your organisation needs to thrive in the 2020s?


本次会议将于10:00 BST,11:00 CEST,12:00或19:00最目的和录音将与网络研讨会之后的所有注册人共享。



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