
executive order Pixabay.

As the world takes in US President Joe Biden’s latestexecutive order(EO)关于目前进口的关键部件(主要是计算机芯片和药品)的国内采购,以帮助美国减少对外国供应的依赖,支出问题将目光转向了采购部门的总体思路。


我们的首席研究分析师万博体育下载app最近忘记了一些想法领英,which sparked an interesting string of对话:来自采购世界的各种人对此运动的有效性的混合感。

Voices from procurement




彼得史密斯— author of糟糕的购买前CIPS总裁、前欧洲区总经理兼英国政府一次性采购顾问在与我们交谈时也表达了类似的观点:

“Of course it is good to see political leaders thinking about issues of supply chain risk and resilience. The idea that a country should be more self-sufficient when it comes to critical goods or materials — or foodstuffs, or military equipment — seems sensible. But in practical terms, there are real issues and barriers. For instance, we have started manufacturing more PPE in the UK following the shortages of last year. Some local firms have invested in additional capacity. But now that the market has returned to more normal pricing, will hospitals be prepared to pay a premium for UK-made masks and gowns? How long before the newspapers start complaining about a waste of taxpayers’ money on pricy ‘made in the UK’ goods? And in areas such as semiconductors, how do you persuade business to make major investments in new capacity, unless you guarantee funding or a future stream of orders, which again is likely to be very expensive compared to global market pricing. I do believe governments have to think carefully about these issues, and some change is needed, but it is naïve to think there are simple solutions or that any country can quickly make all its critical supply chains risk-free.”





”这个问题,从我所看到的,是我s no way we can control visibility to the very last component in our sophisticated and complex systems. When we buy a computer, we know the chips are made in China — that’s just how it is and has been. If you put a computer chip in a weapons system that can kill people, you want to have full visibility and control of it — that’s a question of possibility. This dilemma has come up before in the security arena but ends up with people shrugging their shoulders because the Chinese are the main manufacturers that can make chips at a certain price. Even with home-grown technology in the shape of start-ups, the military is reluctant to buy emerging tech from them, because they can’t be sure the start-up will survive the next five years, and they need their systems to be maintained for longer than that. So from a安全观点,it makes perfect sense to have chips made in the US, only then will you know whether there are any insecurities.”

Many thanks to our contributors for these insightful comments, and we’ll be continuing our ‘voices’ theme in a second post when we’ll be asking other experts for their views on: how these executive orders tend to be implemented; what shape the review might take; who is responsible for it; the impact on agencies; who will undertake assessments; whether there is a resilience framework used in federal government, and more. We welcome your comments too of course.



  1. 希拉里施密特:


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