采购KPIS系列(第4部分) - 深潜水进入“管理层”[PRO]


业务的目标之一是尽可能多地花费(以资本“为所有支出:CAPEX,OPEX和COG)尽可能多。并且该目标应延长给供应商花费,在那里采购希望拥有尽可能多的供应商。That way you know what you’re spending on suppliers (and the pricing component of that, of course), what you’re getting from those suppliers (i.e., supplier performance), and how well you’re spending in terms of applying best practices and tools/intelligence to the process (e.g., proactively guiding stakeholders and minimizing maverick spend).

The metric of spend under management (SUM) is actually determined by a set of indicators that we’ll explore in this latest Spend Matters installment of our series on KPIs that all procurement leaders should know. In the first two parts of this KPI series, we highlighted some of the采购优点的基础测量and传统采购问题关键绩效指标在他们如何对价值链转型中的不完整,误导性甚至损害方面。我们也明确了解锁花费价值和供应管理的“键”


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