Coupa’s Biggest Acquisition Yet (Part 1) — LLamasoft Transaction Overview, Initial Musings and Deal Tailwinds[Nexus]

Mergers and Acquisition News in procurement industry

Earlier this morning, Coupa announced it was acquiring LLamasoft in a $1.5 billion transaction (with the deal expected to close Nov. 2, 2020 — today). My colleagues on the analyst team at Spend Matters PRO are covering the transaction from a procurement and supply chain practitioner perspective. In short: what it is, why it matters and what it might bring product-wise from the combined organization. You can read Spend Matters coverage today here:the breaking news,PRO analysis of procurement-supply chain’s futureand a PRO look atLLamasoft’s functional capabilities.

In this Spend Matters Nexus series, I’ll focus on covering the transaction from an M&A and competitive strategy perspective, providing analysis for a narrower audience interested in the transaction from an investor and corporate development vantage point.

Today, I’ll start with an overview of the deal (transaction overview + analysis), offer up some initial musings, and share some of the tailwinds that might support the deal as the combined organization takes its wares to market.

Jason Busch is Managing Partner of Azul Partners’Investor Advisory Group. He works with sponsors, CEOs and boards on data-driven due diligence, M&A and business strategy. Jason is also the lead author ofSpend Matters Nexus, a private newsletter. Disclosure: Spend Matters’ parent company,Azul Partners, provided due diligence services to Coupa as part of this transaction.

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