Vndly Closes $11 Million Series A Funding Round: A VMS Category Buster in the Making?[PRO]

Workforce Reimagined concept on the gearwheels, 3D rendering georgejmclittle/Adobe Stock


Vndly describes itself as a software-as-a-service WMS system, which “unlike legacy VMS offerings … uses an ‘outcomes’-based management approach rather than a traditional ‘process’-based approach, along with machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms to automate manual tasks.” The announcement also states that the Vndly platform has four major modules: contingent workforce management, statement of work (SOW) management, independent contractor (IC) compliance and total talent acquisition.

When Cincinnati-based Vndly entered the contingent workforce/services (CW/S) solution space, launching with beta clients in mid-2017, it came out swinging.

联合创始人兼首席执行官Shashank Saxena一直在清楚地致力于在21世纪第二十年结束时重新解决问题和管理非员工/队伍劳动力的企业解决方案。在宣布中,萨克拉说:“我们创立了vndly ......解决了承包商,自由职业者和演出经济的崛起的迅速增长的问题,自由职业者和演出经济”和“我们准备与我们的WMS平台改造遗留VMS市场。”

花费很重要的是,在最近的季度在几个小时内审查和调整了VNDLY解决方案,并将其RFI反应验证为一部分333manbetx 。We have also created a summary research brief与同龄人相比,探索它在比较基础上擅长的地方

在这一点上专业人士简报,而不是专注于资助事件的具体情况,我们反而审查了致力于解解决CW / S企业技术解决方案的当前和新兴需求(组织,供应商,中介和工人)的方法。此外,我们在曾经定义的更广泛的范围内,我们将VNDLY放在一个明确的VMS的CW / S技术解决方案行业,其中解决方案提供商景观一直在发展,解决方案类别的界限在过去五年中一直在变化。

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