P2P实现——从Xoomworks忠告nd AIB

上周在eWorld,我们参加的第一个演示文稿之一来自Xoomworks.采购, a UK consultancy that steers organisations through procurement transformation, hopefully to make it a valuable corporate asset. Their expertise lies in transforming sourcing and in procurement technology, and they give operational procurement support in terms of supplier management and visibility of spend, through to transactional control and supply chain financing. Delivered by Dan Butts, Xoomworks Principal Consultant, it was one of those presentations that gave good practical advice, based on a real-life project, courtesy of Brenda Robinson, Head of Accounts Payable at Allied Irish Bank, which is a Xoomworks client.

他们成功地执行了阿巴巴和A的实施邮费solution – and she had first-hand knowledge of what it takes to ensure a good outcome. So it was a very well attended session, in fact standing room only at the back. (Of course it always helps to have an early slot, before attention and enthusiasm have a chance to wane.)

So the crux of the 30-minute session was to explore what are the most common reasons for P2P project failure, and what you can do to avoid them. Given that most of the speakers are also exhibitors at eWorld, it’s tempting for them to use their slots as a sales pitch, and we do see more and more of that, but they managed to keep it fairly independently informative, giving a more practical guide to how to deal with implementation challenges, without going into how Xoomworks stepped in to help sort things out.


  1. 整合延迟
  2. Client resourcing
  3. Slow or non-existent decision making
  4. 缺乏变革管理
  5. 主数据的问题

整合延迟- 是他们找到的最常见的问题,公司在那里,公司严重低估了实施和整合系统或软件所需的时间。结合这一点,等待在工作开始前签署的所有内容并签名,是另一个常见的延迟。

回答- 获取涉及的集成资源,返回销售和设计阶段,因此可以提前发现问题。不要害怕挑战整合要求:我们真正需要什么,这是什么业务案例?例如,他引用了汇率。想想他们如何改变频率 - 每年一次/两次?是真的值得花费的日子实施什么,因为它可以实现,当你每年两次上传电子表格时,你可以花费10分钟!

Client resourcing- 这必须是一项共同努力:P2P项目不能单独通过外部资源实现,它需要从业务中输入来推动件事。没有正确退回项目将导致进一步的延误甚至完全未交付的任务。大量计划GO AWRY,因为资源未从一开始就会提交。

回答– be realistic about which tasks you take on board. Then make sure the allocated resource carries out those tasks: it’s quite common for someone to be juggling that task with their day-to-day duties – so they aren’t fully committed to the two days a week they need to be putting in. Give people realistic commitments and follow up on them in workshops and meetings. And it’s important to get senior management behind those meetings to ensure everyone involved knows they have to be there.

决策缓慢– the nature of a P2P implementation is that it requires changes to existing processes. Agreements have to be reached between stakeholder groups on new ways of working. Often people aren’t willing to make or commit to those decisions.

回答- 获取参与该项目的决策者。并确保将有直接排入决策者的人参加研讨会。事情可以在基于云的实现中快速移动,因此决策必须跟上。最好是做出决定并前进,而不是一个根本没有。因此,如果例如,在项目级别,采购和账户不能同意某事,请确保在适当的路线上 - 它需要强烈的治理。

没有变更管理– no implementation of a system can succeed without change management. Communicating and training are important but not enough – the project touches many stakeholder groups so they must be interested and engaged with decisions, and be prepared to allocate the resource that is needed.

回答– appoint a dedicated change manager – this can’t be an afterthought – you need someone who is assigned to make sure change management tasks are carried out, and that they have the time to do that. Let each stakeholder group know exactly what is expected of them, and consider how each is impacted by the change.

主数据问题- 我们都知道这句话 - 你把垃圾放在了,你得到了垃圾。数据必须是干净的 - 当最终用户面临混乱时,在卷展栏的第1天时,没有什么比这更糟糕了,并且不知道该怎么办。但清洁数据需要时间 - 必须完成,并做得好。

回答- 再次 - 提交资源。这是一个关键作用,所以它需要合适的资源。您需要一个了解这项业务的人,他们了解如何将17个供应商清理到2,或者有重复或者只是替代方案。这不是毕业生或实习生的角色(当然,在其他方式中,您也是有价值的),这不是数据进入练习。您需要获得分配的主数据所有者。许多数据必须围绕业务批准,因此确保它进入正确的批准者。

这些都是良好的,扎实的积分,最后提出的问题显示了观众的感兴趣。这是考虑实施或经过P2P实施来选择一些大脑的理想机会。我们没有空间浏览这些问题并在此处答案 - 但这是另一个原因,为什么值得参加这些活动。

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