

购买 - 付费

“我们看到供应商呈现的每份发票,送到买方作为买方和供应商更好的结果。这是一个基本原则。“- 詹姆斯安德森,商业副总裁,商业用品,万事达卡




  1. 身份:装载更容易的供应商
  2. Data:创建更丰富的数据交换能力
  3. Payment Efficiency:Lowest cost rail given supplier preference

Mastercard Track Business Payment Service started by wanting to make the screening and onboarding of suppliers more efficient. This was both an ambitious and expensive project. My first thought was geez, another KYC tool in a space that was becoming increasingly crowded. My second thought was around the quality of the supplier data, particularly for the varied onboarding needs of banks, fintechs, payment agents and others. Standards for these different actors go from relatively lite (very lite) to extensive (banks and their requirements for beneficial ownership rules, etc.).

在此期间,MasterCard宣布与许多源代理和采购到支付解决方案提供商的关系 - Basware,Birchstreet,Cououpa - 仅举几个。目标是成为所有这些网络中包含的数据的单一联系人,以及网络外部供应商的数据。


我们讨论了他如何转变最初的开始of Track to center on payments and the data around payments. Mastercard was trying to address payments from a card network approach, and James said this would not work at scale. James decided to flip the narrative, and focus on developing Mastercard Track Business Payment Service to support payments, not a separate business in and of itself. Mastercard Track Business Payment Service was not going to be another KYC tool, but a database of supplier payment preferences to deal with the massive complexity intrinsic to B2B transactions and payments.

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