Home|Research Library|Papers and Briefs|Ariba网络价格上涨:计划在2010年9月增加供应商费用

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Jason Busch,执行编辑,支出问题

Ariba is increasing supplier network fees in September 2010 by a significant amount.某些供应商群体(支出/美元数量较高,交易量较低)将受到最大影响,在某些情况下,该群体处理发票的成本可能超过每张发票100美元。具体而言,Ariba正在将满足新的、更低交易量阈值的供应商的网络费用提高到15.5个基点(.155%),这意味着更多供应商将受到影响。这意味着价格比之前的10个基点成本上涨了55%(例如,一张100美元的发票将产生15.5美分的费用,而不是10美分的费用)。然而,这项费用的增加并不是表面上看起来那么简单。Expense Matters采访了Ariba团队成员和Ariba客户,从多个角度了解计划中的费用增长及其意义。在这个免费的研究简报(需要注册)中,我们提供了客户、供应商和投资者对这种商业模式演变的看法。分析中包含了一个示例,说明了在Ariba网络上交易的采购组织的新供应商费用是什么样的。万博体育下载app

The report suggests that Ariba's network fee increases will be negligible for small and medium-sized suppliers on the network (and large suppliers with minimal dollar transaction volume). Moreover, for suppliers engaged in low-dollar volume and/or high frequency transactions, Ariba's network fee structure can be materially less expensive than competitive fixed fee networks, despite bringing significant value. Yet for suppliers transacting materially large dollar volumes, the economics of the Ariba network may no longer make sense if other options exist (e.g., taking spend offline, using a competitive network, etc.).

Download a copy of this free report today. This report was not underwritten by any sponsors or third-parties.