





“价值管理”是我在Hackett Group的前世领先采购研究中开发的框架中采购的最高水平。万博体育下载app

The problem is that while there are great tools for spend management, when you start going broader into demand (and multi-tier supply) and deeper into financial value flow beyond single-tier cash disbursements to suppliers, the technology requirements aren’t yet well supported by existing tools and vendors.

第1部分在这项支出方面的商业价值管理(CVM)中,我们强调了一个事实,即合同管理系统正在从专注于将风险转移到您的贸易伙伴的法律文件中,以及向所有B2B商业(甚至是非商业商业)建模的系统,)与贸易伙伴,监管机构甚至内部利益相关者的承诺。与财务相关的“承诺”或“承诺”是真正可以看作是负债/资产的义务/权利。这些不仅是收缩监管机构的账本的分类帐条目,而且还可以在供应链上弥补的呼吸承诺,从而为客户带来价值 - 当然总成本最低!

不幸的是,这种价值链并不能完全流过那里的系统的碎片景观。It’s hard enough to see contracted revenue & cost/spend flows in the direct materials supply chain where only a few advanced firms can stitch together some semblance of integrated business planning that brings in multi-tier supply-aware cost modeling and contracting (e.g., buy-sell arrangements for volatile commodities). Now, consider the services supply chain and an XaaS world where omni-channel value chains need to merge products and services.

例如,考虑需要翻译客户保修(合同)和服务水平(合同)的现场服务运营的令人麻木的复杂性),第三方承包商(直接合同或通过其合同的服务提供商),甚至外包提供者(带有大复杂合同),他们可能会为您运行整个Shebang。These contracts, sub-contracts, MSAs, SOWs, POs (a contract), etc. all have information in them related to direct committed revenue and costs/spend, but also hints at potential spend and business risk depending on what’s in (or not in) those contracts.

但是,如果您是一个试图管理支出的首席财务官(与大“ S”一起使用,而不仅仅是供应商用小的“ S”支出),并从以下方面看到两种类型的支出。

问题是您没有一个系统来查看所有这些系统。You have a G/L to close the books and maybe a planning-and-budgeting application rather than the “financial control tower” (go ahead and trademark that — it’s available) that you’d love to have something like an EVA/ROIC-type model that drives all the way down to the atomic contracts and execution systems. And if you’re good, you have a CPO with a single spend database and contract repository.

But, let’s face it, even for those firms with this, the contract is still usually a document artifact to refer to and not a dynamic system with complex pricing modeling and linkages to dozens of execution systems in the field that are REALLY governing the commercial aspects of operations. All you likely have in your contract repository is a field called “contract value.” And even in the simplest case, and even with the most modern S2P application suite, you’re likely matching supplier invoices to POs with payment terms that aren’t likely staying synched with the original contract.

因此,合同数据和相关的CLM系统必须超越其法律伪像的角色,甚至超出合同条款库和关联基本条款元数据的水平。他们需要深入研究业务领域(不仅是法律部门领域),并能够更深入地建模和管理商业数据。这样做需要改进的系统来管理我们所谓的商业价值管理 - 这是关于商业生命周期管理,而不是合同生命周期管理。“支出管理”很棒,但是支出是您所支付的,而价值就是您所获得的。因此,您需要真正清楚谁能得到谁得到多少,在什么条件下以及如果不这样做的情况!

我们在上一系列专业系列中花费了相当多的时间,这些分期付款将其纳入CVM的特定元素。在this second SpendMatters PRO series installment, we’ll dive primarily into the buy-side aspects of this topic and discuss how procurement organizations — and procurement’s functional peers in finance, IT, legal, GRC, SCM, sales and HR (and any related CoE combinations) — can use contracts as commercial data hubs to better support not just basic buy-side CLM within a source-to-pay context, but also how to use it to better connect procurement with these internal partners to help them manage spend/suppliers in their functions individually and also collectively with each other — and out to external stakeholders.

