
Per Angusta: Vendor Analysis (Part 1) — Background and Solution Overview[PRO]

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You might infer from our research on program management solution capabilities that we view this component of procurement technology solutions as a “missing link” (seePart 1: Design Building BlocksPart 2: Functional Building Blocks)。简单地,程序管理技术组件 - 镜像或实际上驾驶过程要求当组织尚未定义它们时 - 迅速成为战略采购和更广泛采购成功的关键要求,特别是在更先进的组织中。

然而,很少有源代码技术套件和模块,为节目管理组件带来了足够的能力来支持采购要求。这是每个angusta进入的地方。每个angusta是一个专为类别,采购,供应商和供应管理计划管理而设计的技术解决方案。它也是定义感的平台 - 认为“PAAS” - 它支持与第三方采购技术的开放,深度和应用特定的集成,组织可能已经到位或正在选择和实施过程中。

This two-part Spend Matters PRO Vendor Snapshot provides facts and expert analysis to help procurement organizations make informed decisions about whether Per Angusta should be considered alongside other source-to-pay technologies (or as an embedded solution to extend them). Part 1 provides key facts on Per Angusta, a detailed solution overview and shortlists criteria for organization that should prioritize the provider. Part 2 provides an analysis of Per Angusta’s detailed strengths and weaknesses and summary recommendations on when to consider Per Angusta.
