
快速评级:供应商分析(第1部分) - 背景和解决方案概述(职业)

Cacaroot / Adob​​e股票

询问任何采购组织与他们最相关的风险领域以及供应商的财务风险通常会升至顶部。特别是,基于业务影响(不仅仅是每年花费)归类为战略或批评的供应商需要更加密切地监测,以维持运营恢复力,确保业务连续性并尽量减少业务风险 - 这一监测明显必须包括评估财务评估可行性。这是更广泛的供应风险的核心方面..


对于公开交易的供应商来说,您可以获得财务报表,但您仍然必须从历史财务中推断,以获得可行的洞察力或制定某种预测统计数据。一些公司已经使用了Altman Z经验评分模型,但不仅是Altman Z的过时算法已被证明差不多到更新的算法(稍后讨论),但您也必须花费时间编译和解释数据,往往落在采购专业人士的常见范围之外。

The bigger problem, though, is the lack of financial data readily available for private firms — especially in the U.S. For most corporations, up to 80% of their strategic/critical suppliers are private and don’t typically share their financial statements with customers for various reasons. One of those reasons may be that they’re highly profitable and don’t want procurement to see this information, although this is certainly not always the case. In other circumstances, a supplier might feel that being private exempts them from disclosure. Or in the worst of cases (from a supply risk perspective), a vendor might not be doing well financially and is worried about losing additional business. Yet, a customer still wants to be sure that a supplier is not in financial distress — or moving in that direction. So, what the buyer would really like is a scalable managed service with a service provider that can help predict supplier financial health, including bankruptcies.


这就是快速评级的作用所在。Rapid Ratings是一家提供经验驱动的企业财务健康评分的提供商——包括私营供应商。该公司的财务健康系统(Financial Health System)使用财务数据作为输入,然后在25个特定行业的集成分析模型中使用它们,计算标准化财务评级(0-100级),旨在帮助预测未来的公司违约和识别公司的内在实力。可以把它看作是“公司的FICO评分”。

Rapid Ratings声称,94%的破产预测至少提前了6个月,而FHR提供了12-18个月的预测能力。该公司还专门与私营供应商合作,以获得必要的财务数据,以编制其FHR。事实上,在Rapid Ratings举办的4万多场评级活动中,有近三分之二是私人公司举办的。最令人印象深刻的是,该公司宣称在让私人供应商提交数据方面取得了超过85%的成功。

