
Talentwave:供应商分析(第1部分) - 背景和解决方案概述[亲]

人才 Pedro Felizardo / Adob​​e Stock

Talentwave是第三方独立劳动力合规和参与服务/解决方案提供商。作为劳动力供应链中的提供商,其核心职能是确保在参与独立工人时确保组织仍然是法律遵从性 - 通过就业(EOR)/工资单,记录代理(AOR)和其他服务。虽然这些类型的服务/解决方案是由有限数量的大型人员配置集团(如凯莉和兰特斯塔德)的物质提供,但人才Wave是这种演变和越来越重要的空间中更多的独立/非俘虏提供者之一。

This Spend Matters PRO vendor snapshot provides facts and expert analysis to help buying organizations make informed decisions about whether they need a solution like TalentWave as an alternative for or complement to their organizations’ incumbent solutions for organizing, managing and assigning work to their own “affiliated” workers. Part 1 of our analysis provides a company background and detailed solution overview, as well as a summary recommended fit suggestion for when organizations should consider TalentWave. The rest of this multi-part research brief covers product strengths and weaknesses, competitor and SWOT analysis, user selection guides, and insider evaluation and selection considerations.
